Who is She? Identity Formation

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Middle school is when your child’s young adult identity is under construction and slowly emerges. According to Erickson, a Developmental Psychologist, in 6th grade your child is still grappling with her individuality (industry vs. inferiority). She is beginning to develop responsible habits and form moral values. In 7th grade, your child is starting to wonder who she really is and what she can be (identity vs. confusion). This explains why fashion, interests, friends, extra-curricular, and even attitude can dramatically change. Along with new clothes, she is literally trying on new personas and new identities. It’s important to give her space to do this rather than making her conform to your idea of who she is. It can be very confusing to parents when their daughter seems like a different person from one day to the next. Trust me, though, she is even more confused than you are.

So when your daughter asks to wear make-up, wants to go to a Shawn Mendes concert, or takes up macrame, stand back and smile knowing that she is doing her job of exploring to find her true self. And remember, your job as a parent is to offer support, guidance with space, and unconditional love.


With Heart,

Coach Sheri

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