Trick-or-Treating Teens

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I just read a blog about trick-or-treating teens and it made my blood boil. OK, maybe that’s a little dramatic, but it did bother me. The author basically said “I’m so annoyed that teens would take the candy I bought for kids.” She then went on to say that she was going to post rules on her door to discourage teen trick-or-treaters.

Here’s the thing… many teenagers still love Halloween. Some of them even get dressed up in a costume. If my teen wants to hang on to her younger years just a little bit longer, I’m going to encourage it. Why should your age matter as to whether or not you can trick-or-treat? If adults stopped by my candy dish, I’d dole out the candy too. Isn’t that what Halloween is all about?

So many adults talk about how stressed out teens are these days. Anxiety and depression have sky rocketed in the last decade. If trick-or-treating can give them a short reprieve from the daily pressures of tests, thinking about college, and trying to fit in, it’s a kind gesture to put some candy in their bag. They may not be cute and adorable bunnies and witches anymore, but if they get dressed up and stop by my house, you can bet I’ll hand over the candy. My hope is that you will smile and do the same.

Happy almost Halloween.

With Heart,
Coach Sheri

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