Speaking From the Heart
What do you do when you feel like you’ve tried it all?
In my blog, I teach you the things that you can do that will keep those conversations flowing, encourage ongoing discussions, and will create an opportunity for continued love and support.
Making the Most of Summer
Summer is here. A couple of lazy months sandwiched between chaotic school years. No more schedules filled up from 6:30am-10pm with homework and extracurricular activities.
Talking To Teens About Gun Violence
Gone are the days when we could protect our children from the atrocities of the world. With the 24/7 news cycle via Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook,
[PODCAST] Lessons from Acting
Acting isn’t all Hollywood glamour. It can be really tough dealing with the auditions, the long hours, the demands. There’s a lot to learn from
Chris Rock and Will Smith: Grow Up
Last night was an example of immature behavior by grown men. Chris Rock is a comedian and the norm for the hosts of the Oscars
Teen Dating, Is This Love?
Teen Dating: Is this Love? Young love is so exciting- spending time together, holding hands, going on dates, sharing love notes. Because teens are biologically