A SOCIAL JUMPSTART: Getting ready for the back-to-school social scene

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In late June, I visited the local office supply store. Can you believe they were already putting up their back-to-school displays? For parents, we dread rounding up the list of required school supplies. There’s this primitive drive and panic that kicks in to make sure we round up every last item!

Your child might love their school supplies, but that’s probably not what comes to their mind when they think about heading back to school. Instead, their thoughts gravitate towards the social scene. They can’t wait to find out who is in their classes. It’s all about new friends, old friends, and changing friends. This excitement and anxiety especially escalates when your child is transitioning to a new school.

Just like with school supplies, it’s important to begin planning for social connections before the first day of school. This is especially important for kids who are having a rocky time in the social arena or who are feeling a bit unsure of their friendships. Start planning ahead to help your child have a great social experience this school year.

LAST DAYS OF SUMMER it’s time to get a jumpstart on social connections by creating social opportunities. This gives your child the chance to form closer relationships with kids outside of the artificial social hierarchy in school. The best way to start is with one-on-one get togethers. Try going to the newest ice cream store or venturing over to a local beach. Make it a fun and engaging outing especially with new friends and especially if your child is on the shy side.

BEFORE THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL, sit down with your child and brainstorm their tactic of connecting with new and old friends. This is really important if your child is an introvert or new to the school. Many social patterns and social groups are formed the first weeks of school so encourage them to make connections right away. And take some time to teach them what it means to be friendly. It’s really great to come up with a few conversation starters like “What did you do this summer?” or “What classes do you have?”.

BEING FRIENDLY is one of the best ways to make new friends. Share these ideas with your child on how to be friendly: smile at people, make eye contact, keep your head up and look around (not on your cellphone), give people sincere compliments, ask people questions about themselves, ask people to sit with you at lunch or in class, put together a Friday afternoon movie time, organize a study group, and most importantly…TALK TO PEOPLE.

With Heart,

Coach Sheri

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