Lessons Learned from the Coronavirus

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In a few years, the coronavirus outbreak will be a story that we will all tell…

Remember the coronavirus? Remember how people were quarantined? And the schools shut down? And everyone stockpiled toilet paper?

Our community and the world will get through this. There will be more cancelled events, more schools converting to online instruction and unfortunately more deaths to come. But we will be strong and we will get through this. Most of us will be inconvenienced in the next few weeks and possibly months but, the majority of us will be relatively unscathed.

With all of the chaos and upheaval we are experiencing, this awful virus has given us an opportunity to teach our kids a few important life lessons…

GET THE FACTS Let’s face it…Aunt Ida doesn’t know as much as the CDC when it comes to coronavirus. The internet is swirling with information, and your kid is soaking it all in. They are seeing memes, charts, and news reports. Many of these posts contain misinformation, scary data, and politicized content. You have the opportunity to show your child how to get the REAL facts. Have a discussion about the importance of relying on reputable news outlets and organizations. Take the time to sit down with your child and show them a few of the sources you trust.

HYGEINE Oh yes. We are back to the basics. Teach your child the art of washing their hands. Remind them to sing a song, use lots of soap, use warm water, and don’t forget the thumbs!

RECOGNIZE WHAT YOU CAN CONTROL The lack of control in a situation such as this coronavirus outbreak is what really ramps up the anxiety. Talk to your child about the things that they can control. For instance, they can wash their hands regularly, avoid touching their face, open doorknobs with a tissue or sleeve. When it comes to school closures or keeping them home from school, talk to your child about why these choices are being made. Emphasize the proactive nature of the choice versus the fear.

CALM If you are scared and anxious, show your child the importance of taking care of yourself and your emotions. Find something to do that can get you to a place of calm. Your children pick up on your emotions even if you try to hide them so it’s important to process them. If you see that your child is anxious, help them to find a way to relax whether it’s creativity, meditation, or physical activity.

EMPATHY Teach your child the importance of understanding others. People are slinging around all sorts of insults right now on social media. People are calling each other stupid, panicked, uninformed, irresponsible, selfish, and on and on. Don’t jump on this negative bandwagon. We don’t have to agree with the actions of other people, but we can be empathetic about how they are feeling. A person who is highly anxious will have a very different response to this situation than a person who is rather laid back. A person who has lost a loved one to the flu will have a different response than someone who hasn’t. We don’t know everyone’s story, but we can find empathy for everyone.

There are just a few of the lessons we can teach our kids. There are many other lessons we can learn as well such as taking action, being proactive, keeping things in perspective, and accepting change.

We are all in this together, so let’s work together to support each other with kindness and understanding.

With Heart,

Coach Sheri

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