
Importance of Financial Literacy for Teens [guest blogger]

[Vineel Bhat is a freshman at Eastlake High School. He’s running a 10-week virtual investing course for teens.] America has the second highest median income per adult, but ranks 21st in median wealth per adult. Why is this? Adults are spending all their savings and are unaware of the importance of investing. 78% of Americans

Importance of Financial Literacy for Teens [guest blogger] Read More »

Talk About It: Depression & Suicide

As a professional who works with teens, people frequently ask me what signs they should be looking for in their teens regarding depression and risk of suicide. We’ve all seen the lists that circulate: 🖋Withdrawing from life 🖋Grades take a dive 🖋Poor hygiene 🖋Giving away things 🖋Lack of emotions 🖋Talking about death 🖋Comments about “wanting

Talk About It: Depression & Suicide Read More »

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