
Talk About It: Depression & Suicide

As a professional who works with teens, people frequently ask me what signs they should be looking for in their teens regarding depression and risk of suicide. We’ve all seen the lists that circulate: 🖋Withdrawing from life 🖋Grades take a dive 🖋Poor hygiene 🖋Giving away things 🖋Lack of emotions 🖋Talking about death 🖋Comments about “wanting

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Teaching Teens to Speak Up For Themselves

Schools, parents, and counselors all drill it in to teens to speak up when someone is bullying them.  However, we as parents and as a society forget to teach our teens when to speak up to authority figures.  In fact, until the teen years, some often-used phrases are “listen to your teacher”,” don’t interrupt”, “do

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Why the #MeToo Movement is Leaving Teen Girls Behind

It has been both sickening and empowering to watch as my friends on Facebook post #MeToo. It doesn’t come as a shock, though. There are plenty of personal stories I can tell about sexual harassment, many of which occurred before I graduated high school. So while I see my friends who are all grown women

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