Affluence is not a Safeguard Against Mental Health Issues

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Got Money? Then your teen is twice as likely as the national norm to have clinical depression or anxiety. Got a daughter? She has a one in five chance of being depressed. That’s right. Unlike many believe, money is not a protective factor from mental health issues.

Teens from affluent families have only recently become targeted for research regarding their well-being. In the past, primarily youth from lower income families were considered at-risk for mental health issues, but we are finally seeing the light. Teens from affluent families have higher levels of depression, anxiety, self-harm (cutting & burning), drug and alcohol use, and breaking rules than the national statistics.

The reason we have overlooked this issue for so many years is that we’ve made the assumption that with money comes access to therapists, rehab facilities, doctors, and other resources. While this may be true, it doesn’t mean that teens will take advantage of it. Reaching out for help means accepting the fact that there is a problem, and that’s not always easy. No matter how much money you have.

While kids in the inner cities have dreams for success affluent kids have an obligatory expectation for success. In the minds of parents and teens with resources at their disposal, it seems that there is no acceptable excuse to not have good grades, excel at sports, get into a “top” college, and land a high-paying job. And the expectation is declared by team coaches, music teachers, school teachers, team coaches, and principals.

Kids from privileged families are often very aware of how “good” they have it. The fact that they have “first world problems” leaves them feeling guilty that they aren’t happier, aren’t achieving more, aren’t doing more. Their emotions and their troubles matter, though, no matter how privileged they are.

The bottom line is that you shouldn’t mistake financial abundance as an inoculation against mental health issue. Teens from all backgrounds need our support and guidance.

With Heart,

Coach Sheri

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