The Sunday Scaries

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Do you ever notice a sudden shift in your teen’s mood on Sunday afternoons? If so, you’ve probably come face to face with what’s known as the Sunday Scaries. It’s that feeling of dread and anxiety that creeps in as Monday looms closer, signaling the end of the weekend. Quite often, parents and teens aren’t really aware of this phenomenon. This leads to more arguments, more tension, and an overall pattern of uncomfortable Sunday afternoons.

But what’s behind this mood swing? It’s a mix of responsibilities and stress. During the weekend, your teen enjoys a brief respite from the usual stressors of life. However, as Sunday rolls around, their mind starts to race through the tasks and challenges awaiting them on Monday. Physiologically, their body gears up for the weekday workload, releasing stress chemicals that kick their brain into high gear, setting off a whirlwind of emotions.

Teenagers often pinpoint a few specific stressors when describing their Sunday Scaries:

School Stress: Your teen may have forgotten to do homework or study over the weekend, or they might be aware that the coming week will bring a load of new assignments and tests. To alleviate this stress, encourage your teen to jot down their weekend homework on Friday and plan when they’ll tackle it.

Social Stress: If your teen is dealing with friendship issues, being in school can intensify the situation. The weekend provides a brief escape, but upon returning to school, they find themselves immersed in the drama.

Juggling Stress: Balancing everything during the week can feel overwhelming – from sleep and dinner to practice, homework, social media, socializing, texting, and basic hygiene. To ease this stress, sit down with your teen to examine their responsibilities and schedule. Are all of these commitments necessary? Can something be dropped? Collaborate with your teen to find solutions.

Parental Stress: Let’s be honest; parents can experience their own version of the Sunday Scaries. The pressures on you can be immense as you manage your own responsibilities while supporting your teen with theirs. Remember to prioritize self-care and openly share your self-care routines and coping strategies with your teen. Your well-being can significantly impact your teen’s mood and stress levels.

Sunday Scaries are a real challenge for many teenagers and parents alike. Your role is crucial in helping them navigate this phase. Understanding and anticipating what triggers their Sunday Scaries is the first step. Beyond that, encourage self-care, practice patience in parenting, maintain open lines of communication, and stay calm. Sunday Scaries might be a common occurrence, but with your guidance and support, your teen can learn to conquer them and start the week on a positive and calm note.

To relieve some of anxiety, try doing the CEO meeting (link here). This activity is a great way for you and your teen to check in, see how you can support them, and then everyone feels more prepared for the week ahead.

You got this!

With Heart,

Coach Sheri

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