Forgiveness Frees You

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Some days it feels like your relationship with your teen is so contentious. You can’t seem to say anything right. Every word seems to be the wrong one. It’s easy to feel bogged down by your negative interactions with your teen especially the times when you lost your cool.

Sometimes you were able to keep your cool but your teen was so disrespectful to you. They said hurtful things and didn’t show you the respect you deserve.

But what if you decide to let go of the negative interactions that happen, and start fresh with each new conversation? What if you choose forgiveness instead? Forgiveness for yourself when you were a less than stellar parent. Or forgiveness for your teen who let their emotions get the best of them.

Forgiveness doesn’t mean that you forget what happened, or that you condone the hurtful actions of yourself or others. It means that you choose to move on and give yourself a second chance. A fresh start is exactly what we need sometimes – a chance to rebuild what was broken, learn from it, and continue to grow and become an even better parent.

If you were far from the part you wanted to be last year, it’s time to move forward. Beating yourself up for it won’t create change. It will only create shame which toxic and corrosive.

Your teen doesn’t need you moping around feeling bad about yourself. They need you to learn from your mistakes, make amends if needed, and move forward with your chin up and your heart open.

With Heart, Coach Sheri

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