Friendship Fallacies: 3 Things to NOT Teach your Daughter 

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#1 : You MUST like everyone. Our daughters are taught from a young age that they need to like everyone in their class, their after-school care, or their Girl Scout troop. Imagine if you were told that you had to like everyone at work or all of the fellow parents at the school. This is impossible! Instead, teach your daughter that they need to be kind to everyone in their class even if they don’t like them. And assure them it is OK to not get along with everyone. Some personalities just don’t mesh.

#2 : Good friends don’t argue. Some of the best friendships are the ones that involve arguments. Why? This shows both friends that it is OK to disagree, to get angry, and to forgive. If the arguing is extreme, disrespectful, or overshadows the fun times, then it is time to rethink the friendship. Teach your daughter about the foundation of healthy friendships.

#3 : Friendships last forever. Friendships, like many things in life, can change over time. In middle school, you will see a huge shift in friendships because common interests can change dramatically between elementary and middle school. Many girls cling to their friendships because they vowed to be BFF’s and feel like they are betraying their friend. Others want to end friendships but are not sure how to go about doing it. This can lead to the dreaded mean girl behavior. Talk to your daughter about how friendships naturally change over time.

Teaching your daughter about healthy relationships and healthy boundaries starting at a young age is so important. Teach them the language to deal with their friends in a kind and effective way whether it is voicing their opinion, compromising, or ending relationships. This also helps build a foundation for their dating life in the future.

With Heart,

Coach Sheri

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