Rethinking Resolutions

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Every year, millions of people create their obligatory New Year’s Resolution list. There are the typical goals that top the list every year: lose weight, go to the gym, and save money. Not surprisingly, 80% of people have failed by February to live up to their resolutions.

The problem is our approach to creating these resolutions. These lists are filled with things that we feel we SHOULD do. What if we change the approach and put things on our list that we WANT to do? What if we create resolutions that ignite our inner joy and make our lives better? I bet that 80% failure rate would dramatically decrease.

A few days ago, I came across a list of suggested resolutions for teens. Most of them had the word “better” in them which aggravated me. It listed things like “Get better in school”, “Be a better friend”, “Be a better person”. In a world where our kids are in constant competition and achievement mode, my hope for them is not for them to feel the need to get “better” at life. What if their list included words of positivity like get curious, ask questions, spark my inner joy? That feels like a much more enjoyable list.

When starting the new year, take time as a family to create family resolutions and individual resolutions. Put things on there that will create joy in your life and will leave space to grow and explore. Forget about the things you feel like you should put on that list. Instead, populate it with things that will bring you joy.

Questions to ask yourself:

  • What is something I really want to do for the sake of joy?
  • What is something I love to do that I haven’t made time for?
  • What is something I’m curious about and want to explore further?
  • What is something I can do that will bring me closer to the people I love and care about?

I challenge you to teach your teens to buck the system. Stop with the dreaded resolutions and make them joyful resolutions instead.

With Heart,
Coach Sheri

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